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Ultimo numero Gennaio – Febbraio 2025

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    16th of October 1943 - the merciless hunting down of the Jews and the story of a young boy who hid in a tram to escape the Nazis

    Di Loren Raccah

    It was Shabbat, the holiest day of the week; a day in which Jews enjoy their families, pray and take time for introspection. It was also the third day of sukkot, the joyful Jewish festivity of “huts”, a holiday children love and adults prepare with care and devotion. On the 16th of October 1943 at 5.15 in the morning 365…


    Don’t back away. The snapshot of a memory

    Di Ariela Piattelli

    It is a winter morning. In front of the Great Synagogue in Rome some friends meet with a smartphone and a tripod to do an interview with a witness who followed the tragic events of the Synagogue attack forty years ago in that very place. Emilia recounts everything she saw with her own eyes that day step by step, from…


    October 9, 1982. The Great Synagogue of Rome attack

    Di Jacqueline Sermoneta

    Forty years have passed since that tragic October 9, 1982, which deeply wounded the Roman Jewish community. It was Saturday and it fell on Shemini Atzeret, the day of moed - a solemn holiday - that closes Sukkot, the “Festival of Booths”. The Great Synagogue in Rome, on Lungotevere Cenci, was packed with people; there were also many children and…


    Screaming Silence: ‘Here is my book on the bombing of the synagogue in Rome, written to make young people aware of an Italian history’. An interview with author Gadiel Gaj Taché

    Di Ariela Piattelli

    A picture, a phrase, even a dream can bring it back suddenly. After you experience a terrorist attack, the nightmare never leaves you: it keeps resurfacing in your life whenever it finds the smallest crack in your memory. Gadiel Gaj Taché’s never-ending nightmare of October 9, 1982—the day of the terrorist attack on Rome’s Synagogue—keeps coming back every day, it…


    The long relationship of Queen Elizabeth with the Jewish community

    Di Loren Raccah

    The death of Queen Elizabeth has inevitably touched the hearts of many, after 70 years of realm “The London Bridge has fallen”.During the longest sovereignty in British history, the queen won the loyalty and respect of the British Jewish community.  Many personalities and rabbis have been honored with titles and knighthoods; the Queen nominated Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Lord and Baron.Leaders of…


    "We have been suffering injustice for fifty years" - Interview with Ilana Romano, wife of one of the victims of the 1972 Munich massacre

    Di David Zebuloni

    Fifty years have passed since the attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972: the sporting event turned into a massacre - both physical and in the media - of the athletes of the Israeli delegation. A tragedy that took place in the light of day, under the eyes of the world. A combination of the ghosts of the past of…


    Donato Di Veroli, the last Roman Jew who survived the Shoah. “He testified at the trial against Bosshammer in Berlin” - Interview with Marcello Pezzetti

    Di Ariela Piattelli

    “He was good and mild-mannered, that was his strength”. Thus the historian Marcello Pezzetti comments on the death of Donato Di Veroli, the last of the Roman Jews who survived the Shoah and the hell of the Nazi extermination camps, who has died at the age of 98 in Rome. Few people know the story of Di Veroli, who was…


    B’nai B’rith International Meets with Pope Francis

    Di Maurizio Vernassa

    This morning, the B’nai B’rith International delegation led by its President, Seth J. Riklin and its CEO, Daniel S. Mariaschin, has met with Pope Francis at the Holy See. Pope Francis declared that “helping the vulnerable, and those in need is the most tangible way to promote human fraternity”, which are among the key guiding principles of B’nai B’rith International. In…


    B’nai B’rith International Meets with Pope Francis

    Di Sarah Tagliacozzo

    This morning, the B’nai B’rith International delegation led by its President, Seth J. Riklin and its CEO, Daniel S. Mariaschin, has met with Pope Francis at the Holy See. Pope Francis declared that “helping the vulnerable, and those in need is the most tangible way to promote human fraternity”, which are among the key guiding principles of B’nai B’rith International. In…


    A life for Israel. Hanna Sereni 1926-2022

    Di Alon Confino

    Hanna Sereni, daughter of Ada Ascarelli and Enzo Sereni, passed away at her home in Tel Aviv on March 12, 2022. Hanna was born on July 4, 1926 to young Enzo and Ada, who had already made their mind to immigrate to Palestine. The young couple arrived to Palestine in early 1927 to get organized, while Hanna stayed in Rome…